Friday, June 13, 2008

Oh No He Didn't...

I wanted to post this earlier in the week, but have been having computer problems so I haven't been able to. On Monday afternoon Drew wanted to play outside while I put A.R. down for her nap. He was out there maybe 15 minutes before I came to check on him. I walked into the garage and the first thing I noticed was the distinct odor of an aerosol spray. Now I just know he couldn't have been spraying anything because just a few weeks ago we had a major discussion about not spraying things (he sprayed white Kielz primer on our garbage can and on the front of the truck!). I mean, surely he is smart enought to know better...right? WRONG!!! As I looked around the garage this is what I saw...

and this...

and then this... Florescent yellow spray paint. What in the world could have possessed him to do such a thing?! Thank goodness he didn't touch any of our vehicles or I don't know what I would have done. But he painted the front of the house!!! He also painted a bunch of spots on the grass too, I just didn't take pictures of those. When I asked him why, here's what he said..."I wanted to make a hot ride" (that's why he painted his car and bike) and said that he sprayed the house because he was "killing bugs". Needless to say...he felt the wrath of Mom and Dad for the rest of the day and it's going to be a looong time before he is allowed in the garage alone again!!!


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